Thursday 5 September 2013


I've been following the case of Brian Pead very closely.

This ALLEGED sex offender (never a victim in his case!) went to the High Court in the Strand. I was in the public gallery watching the farce of all farces!

With NO witnesses, NO victim, NO evidence ... he was sent to Pentonville Prison for two weeks. I spoke with him before the case and he said it's gonna be in his next book. I can't wait, because I love his true life crime books.

Then when he came out, Lambeth Council who unlawfully sacked him, tried to bill him for £24,000 for sending him to prison! They simply shift the blame and take the piss! I heard on the grapevine that Lord Denning helped Brian out!

Then Brian was back at the High Court on 16 July 2013. Guess what? CAROLINE ADDY, supposedly a human rights lawyer, ASKED FOR A PERMENENT GAGGING ORDER on Brian ... yet in the same breath she's claiming that Brian and Michael's book FROM HILLSBOROUGH TO LAMBETH was "an attempt to re-write history". If it was such a crap book, why would they ban that PLUS the <www.allaroundjustice>website and the <> websites?


So, they've sent Brian to jail TWICE for no reason ... the first time was the alleged WITNESS INTIMIDATION of his grand-daughter EMILY BIRCH who has never been a witness in a trial of any sort!

In Belmarsh Prison, he shared a cell with DAVE COURTNEY - the celebrity gangster. The two men shared a passion to speak out against injustice. The corrupt judges who jailed Brian will be outed in his next book, as well as the bent barristers he's met since they decided he was a danger to kids at the age of 55 after a quarter of a century in teaching with no problems. And THEY only decided he was a danger to kids AFTER he exposed child abuse and corruption in Lambeth on a MASSIVE scale! As for the police corruption he uncovered ... you would be here a lifetime if I shared all THAT with you. All I will say, is look at the HILLSBOROUGH DISASTER website to read about police corruption on AN INDUSTRIAL SCALE. Bastards!

Many people email me and ask baout Brian's daughter. Sorrel Pead, now Sorrel Birch. I've done some research and Geoffrey Bacon (a friend of Brian's who I've also met) told me she was a "spoilt child who could'nt see the truth if it slapped her round the face!"

I guess that sums it all up! Obviously not the kinda daughter a guy can rely on. Her loss!

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